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English Working Group

Page history last edited by Janja 13 years ago




Distribution of roles

  • Leader: Janja
  • Secretary: Andreja
  • Reporter : Vida
  • Time-keeper: Lučka
  • Reserve person: Mateja



Gender role spillover  in the workplace  in  the case of public administration



Drastic situations and events all over the world have radically changed the mindset as well as the functioning of people. One of the important changes that has started in the 21st century is the change in gender roles. A few decades ago women belonged to particular roles as mothers and housewives but today there are more and more women equal to men in leadership positions. However, women in leadership positions are still in the minority. In our project we attempt to investigate the problem of superiority of men over women in leadership positions in Ministry of Finance. We will try to find out whether men are still taken more seriously and  which are the possibilities to establish a steady relationship between women and men in leadership positions.

In our project we will focus on the problem of women in leader and management positions in public administration.


Research questions:

1.      How many women work public administration? (Andreja)

2.      In which services do they work? (Andreja)

3.      How many of them are on high positions? (Lučka)

4.      Do they feel discriminated? (Lučka)

5.      Are they taken (less) seriously as boss?(Vida)

6.      What methods are they ready to use in order to achieve and maintain a certain position in the workplace? (Vida)

7.      Do the salaries differ between genders if they work on the same positions and have the same education level? (Janja)

8.      Is there a division of domestic labour between partners in a family if woman is on a higher position than a man? (Janja)

9.      Are women in high positions considered as bad mothers/wives? (Mateja)

10.   Why is there a gap between high education level and low employement level of women in comparison to men in public administration? (Mateja)



sex role spillover- prelivanje spolnih vlog

glass ceiling- "stekleni stropovi"

sexual harassment- spolno nadlegovanje

sexual discourse- spolni diskurz

patriarchal structure of organization- patriarhalna struktura organizacije

segregation of women on workplace-segregacija žensk na delovnem mestu 

critical mass of representation- kritična masa zastopanosti

outcomes of social roles - rezultati družbenih vlog

Directorate for the System of Tax, Customs and Other Public Finance Revenue- Direktorat za sistem davčnih, carinskih in drugih prihodkov
Office for Money Laundering Prevention- Urad RS za preprečevanje pranja denarja
Agency for the Governance of Capital Investments of the RS- Agencija za upravljanje kapitalskih naložb RS
Office of the Minister- Kabinet ministra
Budget Supervision Office- Urad RS za nadzor proračuna
Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia- Carinska uprava RS
Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia- Davčna uprava RS
Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia- Uprava RS za javna plačila
Office of Gaming Supervision- Urad RS za nadzor prirejanja iger na srečo

Treasury Directorate- Direktorat za zakladništvo


Minutes of  first online meeting "PBL" Project.

held on 23th of  February 2011


Present: Vida Fajdiga, Lučka Žontar, Andreja Kovač , Janja Jeram


Items of the agenda:

1.       Deciding about the name of the group

2.       Assigning roles

3.       Any other business


Item 1:

We talked about a few possible names, then Vida came up with the name English working group. Since we all agreed that this is a suitable name, we decided to use it.


Item 2:

We decided that the chairperson is going to be Janja, while minutes taker is going to be Andreja.


Item 3:

Under this item we set the date of our next meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, 1 March, 2011.


Minutes taker: Andreja

Chair: Janja


Minutes of the 2nd meeting

held on March 1st, 2011, at the FDV library


Present: Andreja, Janja, Vida, Lučka

Absent: /



1. Distribution of roles 

2. Defining the problem

3. Considering 10 working questions

4. List of  literature

5. Any other business


Item 1:

Discussion: At first we discussed  tasks in our group. We confirmed that Andreja will be the secretary and Janja will be the leader of our group. Vida has volunteered to be  the reporter. Lučka will be the time-keeper.

Decision: We decided about our roles. Janja will be the leader, Andreja will be the secretary, Vida will be the reporter and Lučka will be the time-keeper.


Item 2:

Discussion: We considered what our main topic would be. We focused on the spillover of gender roles in the workplace.

Decision: We decided that we will research the problem of spillover of gender roles in the workplace in the case of public administration.


Item 3:

Discussion: Each member of the group made some suggestions for questions. But we  selected only the 10 most suitable.

Decision: Questions we selected:

1.      How many women work in public administration? (Andreja)

2.      In which services they work?(Andreja)

3.      How many of them are on high positions?(Lučka)

4.      Do they feel discriminated? (Lučka)

5.      Are they taken (less) seriously as boss?(Vida)

6.      What methods do they  use in order to achieve and maintain a certain position in the workplace? (Vida)

7.      Do salaries differ between genders if they work on the same positions and have the same education level? (Janja)

8.       Is there a division of domestic labour between partners in a family if woman is on a higher position than a man? (Janja)

9.     Are women in high positions considered as bad mothers/wives? (Mateja)

10.   Why is there a gap between high education level and low employment level of women in comparison with men in public administration? (Mateja)


Item 4:

Discussion: Each member of the group had the task to find some literature. Here we had a problem. We could not  decide which will be the most appropriate literature .

Decision: At the end we decided for pieces of literature which we thought will be the most appropriate.


Item 5:

Discussion: Janja suggested that our next meeting will be next Tuesday. We also discussed about the new member  of our group named Mateja Kadiš.

Decision: We all agreed that we accept a new member in our group and we decided that next meeting will be on Tuesday, 8th of March, 2011.


Minutes taker: Lučka

Chairperson: Janja


Minutes of the 3rd online meeting

held on March 9, 2011


Present: Andreja, Vida, Lučka, Mateja, Janja

Absent: /



1. Distribution of tasks

2. Any other business


Item 1:

Discussion: We were deciding who will deal with which question.

Decision: Since we did not yet finish reading our literature, we decided that each member has to find an answer to two questions. Andreja will answer the first

                two questions, Lučka will deal with questions 3 and 4, Vida with questions 5 and 6, Janja will find answers to questions 7 and 8 and Mateja will

                the last two questions. In case we find this distribustion unsuitable, we will change it.


Item 2:

Discussion: We discussed about the literature we found and about the empirical part of our project. Andreja made a questionnaire which we all read and gave a few

                    suggestions how to improve it, so we can really find out everything we need.

Decision: We decided that we will continue to read and search for suitable literature. Next week we will meet again and make a final decision about tasks that each of us will take care of. Andreja will give her questionnaire to employees of the Ministry of Finance, so we will be able to compare our findings to findings of several authors whose literature we use.


Minutes taker: Andreja

Chairperson: Janja




List of literature:

-   Linehan M., 2001, Uspešne ženske : managerke velikih mednarodnih podjetij, Ljubljana : GV

-   Rees T., 1992, Women and the labour market London ; New York : Routledge,

-   Verša D., 1996, Medijska podoba spolov  Ljubljana : Vlada Republike Slovenije, Urad za žensko politiko,

-   Kanjuo Mrčela A., 1992, Ali so "družinske kraljice" lahko tudi "šefice"?

-   Kanjuo Mrčela A in Koražija N, 2001, Zaželeni so moški z ženskim načinom vodenja : managerke sredi kulture macho

  Kanjuo Mrčela A, 2000, Spolna konstrukcija menedžerskih vlog : stekleni organizacijski stropovi v devedesetih (  Available at:  http://dk.fdv.uni-lj.si/dr/dr34-35mrcela.PDF)

-   G. Antić. Milica. 2003. Ženske v slovenskem parlamentu: pod kritično maso zastopanosti (raziskovalno poročilo). Ljubljana: Inštitut za sodobne družbene in     politične študije.

-   Hearn, Jeff at al. 1989. The Sexuality of organization. London: SAGE  ( Available at: http://www.google.com/books?id=km7gzS-R-_AC&printsec=frontcover&hl=sl#v=onepage&q&f=false)

-     Gutek Barbara in   Aaron Groff Cohen. 1987. Sex Ratios, Sex Role Spillover, and Sex at Work: A Comparison of Men's and Women's Experiences. Human Relations. 40  (2): 97-115 (Available at: http://hum.sagepub.com/ )




*Pic 1: accessible on:http://www.google.si/imgres?imgurl=http://images.clipartof.com/small/34919-Clipart-Illustration-Of-A-Group-Of-Five-Orange-People-Holding-Hands-Around-A-Shiny-Globe.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.clipartof.com/details/clipart/34919.html&usg=__PwJF6vkEkpLlFc9-3DneeTDnHVc=&h=470&w=450&sz=68&hl=sl&start=116&zoom=1&tbnid=-nmn8l1Q85LySM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=116&ei=Fnx_TcXkN8j3sgaL17jjBg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgroup%2Bof%2Bfive%26hl%3Dsl%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D547%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:11%2C2047&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=588&vpy=235&dur=449&hovh=225&hovw=216&tx=127&ty=184&oei=p3t_TeGpMIr2sgaI39nxBg&page=6&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:116&biw=1366&bih=547 (accessed on March 15 2011)

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